EasyNotify: Lightweight Responsive JS Plugin for Modern Notification

Free download EasyNotify: Lightweight Responsive JS Plugin for Modern Notification Nulled. It is developed by maxsof on CodeCanyon. Download Nulled EasyNotify: Lightweight Responsive JS Plugin for Modern Notification.


EasyNotify is a lightweight responsive JS plugin that allows you to create simple notification in modern, flat style with several options.

Create and show notifications with information that you want to convey. Customize and style notifications to fit your needs.

Great for displaying news, messages on your site or providing feedback for the user.


Easy Integration With Any Website
Clean & Commented Code
Fully Customizable
Support for CSS Variables
Responsive & Mobile Friendly
Support for Animate.css Plugin
Create any Notification Text
Show or Hide Any Elements
Custom Icons
Different Positions
Unlimited Notifications Sets
100% Bootstrap Compatible
No Images
No jQuery Dependency
Cross-Browser Compatibility
Free Updated


Hello, EasyNotify!


All options are optional.

// {String}: unique identifier of the box for saving in local storage
// e.g. ‘newYear2021’, ‘hello’, ‘gFbb3A’, etc.
id: ”,

// {String}: the theme of the box
// must be ” or ‘dark’
theme: ”,

// {Boolean}: when developer mode is enabled, closing the box is not saved in local storage
// must be true or false
dev: false,

// {String}: the background color of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-bg-color
// e.g. ‘#f3f0d6’, ‘#d6f3de’, ‘white’, etc.
bgColor: ‘#ffffff’,

// {String}: the background image of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-bg-image
// e.g. ‘url(“path_to_image.jpg”)’, ‘linear-gradient(to right, #d6e9f3, #f2e1fd)’, etc.
bgImage: ‘none’,

// {String}: the font color of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-color
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
color: ‘#222222’,

// {String}: the width of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-width
// e.g. ‘320px’, ‘640px’, etc.
width: ‘450px’,

// {String}: the padding of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-padding
// e.g. ’32px’, ’16px 24px’, ’24px 32px 16px 16px’, etc.
padding: ’24px’,

// {String}: the border radius of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-radius
// e.g. ‘0’, ‘4px 16px 4px 16px’, etc.
radius: ‘8px’,

// {String}: the shadow of the box
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-shadow
// e.g. ‘none’, ‘0 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)’, ‘4px 4px 32px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)’, etc.
shadow: ‘0 -1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 8px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 16px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 32px 32px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)’,

// {Number}: the z-index of the box
// e.g. 10, 120, 100100100, etc.
zIndex: 100000,

// {String}: the position of the box
// must be ‘top-left’, ‘top-right’, ‘bottom-right’ or ‘bottom-left’
position: ‘bottom-left’,

// {String}: the name of the animation when it appears
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-animation-name-in
// must be custom animation name or animation name from animate.css plugin
animationNameIn: ‘easyNotifyIn’,

// {String}: the name of the animation when it disappears
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-animation-name-out
// must be custom animation name or animation name from animate.css plugin
animationNameOut: ‘easyNotifyOut’,

// {String}: the duration time of the animation in seconds
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-animation-duration
// e.g. ‘0s’, ‘1.5s’, etc.
animationDuration: ‘0.5s’,

// {String}: the box appears after the specified time in seconds
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-animation-delay
// e.g. ‘1s’, ‘3.5s’, etc.
animationDelay: ‘0s’,

// {Boolean}: hide the close button
// must be true or false
closeBtnHide: false,

// {String}: the color of the close button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-close-color
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
closeBtnColor: ‘#acacad’,

// {String}: the hover color of the close button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-close-color-hover
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
closeBtnColorHover: ‘#858687’,

// {Boolean}: hide the icon
// must be true or false
iconHide: false,

// {String}: the color of the default icon
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-icon-color
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
iconColor: ‘#f5234b’,

// {String}: the src attribute of the custom icon
// must be ” or ‘path_to_image.png’
iconSrc: ”,

// {Number}: the size of the custom icon by width
// e.g. 24, 36, etc.
iconWidth: 48,

// {Number}: the size of the custom icon by height
// e.g. 24, 36, etc.
iconHeight: 48,

// {String} the description of the box
// e.g. ‘Orders placed online from November 24th until December 21st 2020 can be returned up until February 1st 2021 for a full refund.’, ‘Discover our gifts — to share with those closest to you, or simply to keep for yourself.’, etc.
content: ‘We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to use our site, you accept our cookie policy.’,

// {Boolean}: hide the ‘Learn more’ link
// must be true or false
moreLinkHide: false,

// {String}: the href attribute of the ‘Learn more’ link
// e.g. ‘/privacy’, ‘/gifts’, etc.
moreLinkHref: ‘#’,

// {String}: the text of the ‘Learn more’ link
// e.g. ‘About’, ‘Details’, etc.
moreLinkText: ‘Learn more’,

// {String}: the font color of the ‘Learn more’ link
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-link-color
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
moreLinkColor: ‘#0066cc’,

// {String}: the hover font color of the ‘Learn more’ link
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-link-color-hover
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
moreLinkColorHover: ‘#0052a3’,

// {Boolean}: hide the accept button
// must be true or false
acceptBtnHide: false,

// {String}: the text of the accept button
// e.g. ‘Close’, ‘Let’s Go’, etc.
acceptBtnText: ‘Accept’,

// {String}: the background color of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-bg-color
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
acceptBtnBgColor: ‘#0070f5’,

// {String}: the font color of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-color
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
acceptBtnColor: ‘#ffffff’,

// {String}: the hover background color of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-bg-color-hover
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
acceptBtnBgColorHover: ‘#005ac4’,

// {String}: the hover font color of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-color-hover
// e.g. ‘currentColor’, ‘#2f6e92’, ‘black’, etc.
acceptBtnColorHover: ‘#ffffff’,

// {String}: the padding of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-padding
// e.g. ’12px’, ‘4px 20px’, ‘4px 16px 4px 20px’, etc.
acceptBtnPadding: ‘0 16px’,

// {String}: the height of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-height
// e.g. ’30px’, ’50px’, etc.
acceptBtnHeight: ’40px’,

// {String}: the border radius of the accept button
// css-variable analog: –easy-notify-btn-radius
// e.g. ‘0’, ‘4px 8px 4px 8px’, etc.
acceptBtnRadius: ‘8px’,

Browsers support

Plugin is compatible with all major browsers:


Change log


Initial release

Note: You can Free Download EasyNotify: Lightweight Responsive JS Plugin for Modern Notification Nulled form the download links below. We promote wordpress and bloggers web designs and scripts, so that you can check it before buying any themes, plugins or scripts from the original developers. All of the files shared are under GPL License. Download EasyNotify: Lightweight Responsive JS Plugin for Modern Notification nulled from the below download links and if the item satisfy you then buy it from the developer maxsof for commercial use.

Download easynotify-lightweight-responsive-js-plugin-for-modern-notification.zip (17.44 MB)

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