Super Boy Adventure game – Android and Ios with GDPR – Admob ads – Buildbox project

Free download Super Boy Adventure game – Android and Ios with GDPR – Admob ads – Buildbox project Nulled. It is developed by NiceGame on CodeCanyon. Download Nulled Super Boy Adventure game – Android and Ios with GDPR – Admob ads – Buildbox project.

How can you ensure your superiority over your competitors at the lowest possible cost? You definitely need this !!

You need a fun game with special features to make your users spend more time in your game, so that means good profits. But for a game like this, you definitely need to pay a large sum. Yes, it may cost more than 300$. You may lose your money only if you buy a game at that great price and you can not get back what you paid after you publish the game in your store.
In fact, you will not find a good game at a cheap price. We have searched for a long time in most markets like Envato, but we don’t find any good game for less than 150$. This makes it difficult for people who do not have much money, so for that, they resort to some poor quality games. But since you are reading this now you are very lucky.

Bonus :

By purchasing this game you will get Color snake game, its price is 30 $ and it’s free now. So what you waiting for.

We offer you the best offer, and we are sure you will not find such an offer elsewhere:

This package contains:

Sourcecode for Android.
Sourcecode for Ios.
Bonus(color snake sourcecode).
Documentation with videos.
Project Buildbox.
You do not have to pay big sums anymore, only NiceGame is providing you with the right price.
Sign up now with a 70% discount for a limited time. All you have to do is press the buy button below and you will go directly to the purchase page.

What did buyers say about NiceGAME?

If you have questions before buying this paragraph is important for you:

What do I need to reskin the game?
All you need is Android studio if you’re on the Play Store or Xcode if you’re on the App store.

Will I get the Buildbox projects?
Certainly yes, when you buy this game you will get Buildbox project and you can add new characters, new graphics and new levels as well as you can export the game to any platform you want like ios or android. The price of Buildbox projects is 60$ but you will get it for free.

Are there updates to the game?
Yes, we’ll update to add new things and you’ll be able to take advantage of them for free.

How will I get this wonderful product?
All you have to do is buy and you will get it through your account on the Envato.

Is there a post-sale service?
Yes, we’ll support you for free until you publish the two games in your store, so we’ll solve all the problems you’re facing.

Do you have another question:
You can contact us, and just send us your question and we will answer it as soon as possible.

Super Boy images:

Features :

Universal (phone & tablet)
AdMob Banner and Interstitial
Documentation File (With videos)
Share buttons
Review Buttons
Easy Reskin
Online Support 24/7
High Resolution
Simple Gameplay
Mobile Game
Easy to Change Source
Levels Game Mode
Multiple characters
pause menu
game over menu
settings menu
in-app purchases
easy to reskin
amazing design
10 differnt characters
collect coins

Monetization :

This game is monetized with admob ads. To maximize your revenue with display ads. You can set filters to ensure the ads being displayed are relevant to your game users. You also have control over the types of ad formats you allow. Choose from banner ads, full-page interstitials, video ads, and native ads.

Performance :

Is very likely the fastest item of its kind ever made. The item is impressively flexible, intuitive and customisable.

GDPR for (Android) :

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy. Its aim is to give explicit control over personal data to its subjects.[ GDPR is included on this item ]. You can add GdPR on Super Boy.

Documentation file :

When you will buy this item [ Super Boy ] you will get a documentation for help you to do the reskin. This documentation contains videos which help you to reskin this game from scratch .

Customization :

All files is included so you can make changes or just contact NiceGame to customize the game for you.

Professional and Online support :
We pride ourselves on top quality support and fast turnaround times for our clients so you can rest assured that no matter your problem we will be right there to help you anytime .
We are availaible on Discord to help you if you face any problem or if you need any thing , you just need to join us on Discord to contact us. So we are availaible to :
answer questions .
Answering questions about item’s features .
Assistance with reported bugs and issues .

Extensive Documentation :
Our extensive documentation ensures that you’ll never feel lost. You can even access the documentation right in your dashboard.

Endless game :

Super Boy is an game with 10 levels with simple gameplay and really easy to reskin.

No Coding Required :

It’s easy to modify and adjust all the elements from icons to the graphics . Customize everything you want.

Automatic Updates :

Always stay up to date with the latest version of NiceGame items .

Shopping :

By collect coins in this item [ Super Boy ] you can purchase other characters . you have already 8 characters in Super Boy item.

About the reskin :

The application is very simple to reskin. You just need to:
Import the sources in android studio or Xcode.
Change the game name, Icon and Package name from Android studio or Xcode.
You have to replace same size graphics and audio .
Change the ids for Google Mobile Ads.

Note :
You have already the documentation to help you to do that .

If you want the reskin of this game just contact NiceGame . We provide the reskin for only 70 $

This package contain :
New icon.
New screen shot.
New cover.
New video.
Description with ranked keywords.
Full reskin :
New Ui.
New graphics.
New sounds.
New character.

You can contact NiceGame here if you want the reskin .

How to contact NiceGame :

NiceGame has a server on Discord you can join it , it’s free . We can help you if you face any problem here .
We have also a page facebook : NiceGame page, you can join it .
Here is our channel : NiceGame channel . We will publish some tutorials about the reskin and game development .

Don’t forget to follow NiceGame to receive our new items.

More games :

Thank you :

Thank you for visiting our account and we hope you buy our item . Feel free to contact us if you have any pre-sale questions or if you have already bought the item and need help with it. We would be more than happy to help and answer all of your questions. If you have any suggestions about what you might want to be added in the future updates please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Have a nice day !!


Note: You can Free Download Super Boy Adventure game – Android and Ios with GDPR – Admob ads – Buildbox project Nulled form the download links below. We promote wordpress and bloggers web designs and scripts, so that you can check it before buying any themes, plugins or scripts from the original developers. All of the files shared are under GPL License. Download Super Boy Adventure game – Android and Ios with GDPR – Admob ads – Buildbox project nulled from the below download links and if the item satisfy you then buy it from the developer NiceGame for commercial use.

Download (18.56 MB)

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